Oh Japan.

Japan, the land at the sunrise. A land of opportunities and adventures. Where the shopkeepers greet you everytime you enter their store and then again when you leave even if you didn't buy anything. The land where you can think of something you can buy it. Like alive shrimp at the supermarket, Hello Kitty bikes and a pair of jeans for over 10000 SEK. Today I found the holy grail of snacks. Have you ever eaten cookies but the crumbles end up everywhere? That's just the way the cookie crumble I suppose... But does it have to be that way?
No of course not. The crafty little japanese people have thought of a nice solution to this problem. Make the cookies smaller. Why haven't anyone thought of this before?
They taste just like regular cookies but they are bite sized so you don't have to worry about anything besides eating them.
Oh you, Chokochibi cookies (チョコチツビ、small chocolate) you will forever be a part of my diet.

Postat av: björn lundgren

stan i gatan inte konstigt att man aldrig ser till dig! tråkigt avundsjuk jag blev nu, hare så jävla bra iallafall :) peace

2009-10-19 @ 16:58:57
Postat av: björpans

skulle självklart inte stå "stan" utan satan! hoho

2009-10-19 @ 17:00:15

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