Vilse i Japan blogg up and running
Jag har nu beslutat att koera min blogg pa engelska foer mitt tagentbord har inte svenska bokstaver (men har andra spannande saker som パトリク och so vidare). Klagar ni so bryr jag mig inte.
The first entry will be a summary of the past week. Many exciting things have happened to me and it's hard for me to narrow them down enough to keep in this post.
Day 1: Travel. Nothing exciting here except for the guy who picked me up at the arport helt a sign with my name on it. Patrik Wellborg... wait that's not right. Ah well, close enough! It's japan baby!
I met a guy named Erik who were going to the same place as me so we decided to stay close to each other.
Day 2: Oh holy crap did we see things today? Me and Erik met two other swedish guys named Albin and Mikael and we went to the Kiyomizu-dera temple (清水寺) in the Higashiyama mountains (東山). It was a very beautiful traditional japanese temple in a secluded place in the mountains. Streams flowed through the dense vegetation and sunrays sought their way through the canopy. Sorry about the shitty picture, my phone was a bit cranky and didn't like being full with computer software.

Day 2: We went eating sushi from a rotating band. ¥100 for 1 plate so it was cheap as hell aswell as quite tasty. The whole experience was enchanced by Tashika-san (the landlord) who decided to follow us and tell us a bit in how japan works. I wish I had a good picture of it but you would have to be there to see the beauty in it.
Later on we met two more swedish people. Fia and Hanna. They had just arrived that day and were jet-laged so we decided to take them out for kareoke! about ¥1000 for 1 hour of singing and all the drinks you could have. So drink 2 beers every hour and you are at swedish bar price whilst being alot more fun. We left 3 hours later, drunk of our boot and no voice what so ever left. We then went strolling in Kyoto-citys nightlife and what did we find?
Another kareoke place! Hells yea!
Erik also found some japanese people who wanted to join us. Henry-san, Hiro-san and a girl whose name I can't remember (she was fucking awesome at singing). We came back home at about 6 in the morning. Huge success.

(Pictured, Erik)
Day 3: Hungover as all hell. At least 9 beers yesterday (1 at dinner, 2 at the starter party, 7 or more at the kareoke)
Was a slow day and I don't remember anything that I did that was special... Well besides being in japan baby!
Day 4: Last day of being a tourist. Starting school tomorow! woo
Day 5: Well I thought today was the day we were going to start school but we just had a small briefing and were then left to go home. Dissapointed we went to a arcade instead. Oh boy did some of the crazy japanese beat the shit out of everything there? Some of the people there almost seemed to have been there, by one machine, their entire life! One girl were playing a game simmular to guitar hero but instead of having a guitar she had like bongo drums with 9 fist-sized buttons. She was playing something equivalent to through fire and flames on expert and got almost every single note. And it was not easy notes but you had to take like 4-5 of them every time. She earns this weeks title of "Crazy Japanese!"

Day 6: School. Fucking sweet. We had a teacher who spoke no english at all but you'd be suprised in just how much you can learn anyway. But that was not the best thing to have happened to me today. Nono... not even close. I (recently named "Kejsarn") made the best sandwich ever to have been created by mortal hands and feeling generous I will share the recipie with you.
1(or more) egg
and something for taste (may it be bacon, ham, leek or whatever. I had spring onion and it was made of win and awesome)
Scramble the egg with the salt and milk in a pan, fry the bread. I recommend sprinkle chopped springonion ontop as well.
This sandwich is now named "Kejsarns macka". It has to have a white bread base beacuse if you use wholegrain it will be an inferiour verson named "Kejsarns barkbit"

(due to crappy pan and shit most of the scramble did not make it but it was still awesome)
Day 7: One week has passed and I'm feelin fine. So far this has been the best trip of my life. School is awesome and the people are nice. Today I bought a bike aswell. Costed ¥6000 and it has been crowned "Kejsarinnan".
All hail your new overlord and master.

Day 8: School starts at 13:15 (well it does that every day so no difference here) and we learn alot as usual. After school the class decides to try and do something wich in japan of course means kareoke. We sung our heart out and had a blast. The 2 hours seemed to fly away in an instant. But after that we went to a small but cozy bar. There we hung out and talked japanese/english with the people there. I even got a shot of tequila from the bartender for free! The people here are alot more friendly than in sweden where everybody hates everything. I also talked alot with a girl named Yoko and I wish I had a picture left of her. She was quite awesome indeed. I think the others took some pictures and I will update if I find anything I like.
And that's a quick recap of the past week in japan. Stay tuned for more.
The first entry will be a summary of the past week. Many exciting things have happened to me and it's hard for me to narrow them down enough to keep in this post.
Day 1: Travel. Nothing exciting here except for the guy who picked me up at the arport helt a sign with my name on it. Patrik Wellborg... wait that's not right. Ah well, close enough! It's japan baby!
I met a guy named Erik who were going to the same place as me so we decided to stay close to each other.
Day 2: Oh holy crap did we see things today? Me and Erik met two other swedish guys named Albin and Mikael and we went to the Kiyomizu-dera temple (清水寺) in the Higashiyama mountains (東山). It was a very beautiful traditional japanese temple in a secluded place in the mountains. Streams flowed through the dense vegetation and sunrays sought their way through the canopy. Sorry about the shitty picture, my phone was a bit cranky and didn't like being full with computer software.

Day 2: We went eating sushi from a rotating band. ¥100 for 1 plate so it was cheap as hell aswell as quite tasty. The whole experience was enchanced by Tashika-san (the landlord) who decided to follow us and tell us a bit in how japan works. I wish I had a good picture of it but you would have to be there to see the beauty in it.
Later on we met two more swedish people. Fia and Hanna. They had just arrived that day and were jet-laged so we decided to take them out for kareoke! about ¥1000 for 1 hour of singing and all the drinks you could have. So drink 2 beers every hour and you are at swedish bar price whilst being alot more fun. We left 3 hours later, drunk of our boot and no voice what so ever left. We then went strolling in Kyoto-citys nightlife and what did we find?
Another kareoke place! Hells yea!
Erik also found some japanese people who wanted to join us. Henry-san, Hiro-san and a girl whose name I can't remember (she was fucking awesome at singing). We came back home at about 6 in the morning. Huge success.

(Pictured, Erik)
Day 3: Hungover as all hell. At least 9 beers yesterday (1 at dinner, 2 at the starter party, 7 or more at the kareoke)
Was a slow day and I don't remember anything that I did that was special... Well besides being in japan baby!
Day 4: Last day of being a tourist. Starting school tomorow! woo
Day 5: Well I thought today was the day we were going to start school but we just had a small briefing and were then left to go home. Dissapointed we went to a arcade instead. Oh boy did some of the crazy japanese beat the shit out of everything there? Some of the people there almost seemed to have been there, by one machine, their entire life! One girl were playing a game simmular to guitar hero but instead of having a guitar she had like bongo drums with 9 fist-sized buttons. She was playing something equivalent to through fire and flames on expert and got almost every single note. And it was not easy notes but you had to take like 4-5 of them every time. She earns this weeks title of "Crazy Japanese!"

Day 6: School. Fucking sweet. We had a teacher who spoke no english at all but you'd be suprised in just how much you can learn anyway. But that was not the best thing to have happened to me today. Nono... not even close. I (recently named "Kejsarn") made the best sandwich ever to have been created by mortal hands and feeling generous I will share the recipie with you.
1(or more) egg
and something for taste (may it be bacon, ham, leek or whatever. I had spring onion and it was made of win and awesome)
Scramble the egg with the salt and milk in a pan, fry the bread. I recommend sprinkle chopped springonion ontop as well.
This sandwich is now named "Kejsarns macka". It has to have a white bread base beacuse if you use wholegrain it will be an inferiour verson named "Kejsarns barkbit"

(due to crappy pan and shit most of the scramble did not make it but it was still awesome)
Day 7: One week has passed and I'm feelin fine. So far this has been the best trip of my life. School is awesome and the people are nice. Today I bought a bike aswell. Costed ¥6000 and it has been crowned "Kejsarinnan".
All hail your new overlord and master.

Day 8: School starts at 13:15 (well it does that every day so no difference here) and we learn alot as usual. After school the class decides to try and do something wich in japan of course means kareoke. We sung our heart out and had a blast. The 2 hours seemed to fly away in an instant. But after that we went to a small but cozy bar. There we hung out and talked japanese/english with the people there. I even got a shot of tequila from the bartender for free! The people here are alot more friendly than in sweden where everybody hates everything. I also talked alot with a girl named Yoko and I wish I had a picture left of her. She was quite awesome indeed. I think the others took some pictures and I will update if I find anything I like.
And that's a quick recap of the past week in japan. Stay tuned for more.
Postat av: Carlo De La PWN!
Underbar läsning min gode Patrichi! Jag är så glad att det nu finns en blogg på nätet jag faktiskt vill läsa!
Ser framemot att få se lite fler bilder(större kanske?)! Ha så underbart med Yoko(fräsch by the sound of it).
Ciao min lille samurai!
Postat av: Sofie
Patrik Wellborg!!
Fucking awesome! Bra att allt har ordnat sig, otroligt avundsjuk. Sjukt snygg cykel btw, en sån vill jag ha!
Postat av: Anonym
Patrik Wellborg!!!
Idd sjukt awsome bike! gahh! jag är en aningen avis också, minst sagt!
Postat av: Olle
Så jävla grymt det låter :) Du fick nästan lika fint namn som jag "Oli Johnson"